GNaTPACK Race 7 – Well done NEMTB!!!
Post date: Aug 26, 2012 9:56:31 AM
What a great day! Once again everyone came together to produce one great atmosphere on The Strip and around the 11 km of single track.
I think it’s important to acknowledge a few people that made the ultimate sacrifice. Michael Wooster for taking on the Race/Timing Co-ordinator, Lisa Harris and Megan Wooster completing registration, timing, Dirtmasters Event and all the other miscellaneous adhoc essential jobs. Matt Benham, our GNaTPACK Co-ordinator, for keeping the communication going with the other clubs and also tallying the series results as the race was wrapping up so we had a fast turnaround on the results so other club members could head home at a reasonable time.
In addition Bill Platts once again proved to be the backbone of the track preparation spending two whole days prepping the track and ensuring the B lines were B lines and people weren’t going to get lost etc. Additionally Harry and Greggatron completed a day of bunting on Friday with Chappo blowing the track to ensure that none of those nasty pine needles send you off into the bush. Barbs for completing all the dollars and other accounting stuff.
All the Harris brothers Peter, Ben and James completed numerous jobs from guiding the Saturday’s Robbers Run Social Ride for the guests, taking on the Toilet Master role, supplying firewood for the brave souls who camped, being the tail-end-Charlie and more bunting/track marking.
Chappo once again managed to get stories to the press and arranged for Harry and I to complete a few radio interviews leading into the event, and begged/borrowed everything from blowers, finish lines, sound systems and a camper trailer for his family.
A big thanks also goes to the SES volunteers who provide a little reassurance in case of an emergency and also ensured that Michael didn’t have to don his nurse’s outfit for the minor first aid issues.
The Drummond Memorial teachers once again put in a magnificent effort on the catering side providing their sweet burgers and other BBQ products. Mental note get a bigger set of hands before taking on a “burger with the lot”!
It was great to have Altitude Coffee on The Strip to give everyone a coffee kick to get started.
I think that everyone will agree that Harry proved once again to be very entertaining with his wit and time behind the mic. Caroline also did well backing up the old shock jock when the excitement became too much for him.
I am sure I will post this and then remember a few more acknowledgements – so for everyone else who assisted a big thanks.
So what’s next?
Well the preparation will now start for next year’s UNE 12 Hours In The Piney to be held in March. If you are keen to help, even in the smallest way, please contact one of the subcommittee members; Steve Chapman, Peter Hosking, Peter Harris or Dave Harris.
The other exciting news is that Harry has been coordinating the refurbishment of Sports UNE MTB Track. We are aiming to have this open by October. Please keep an eye out of the future postings relating to “busy bees” to complete the final touches.
Peter Hosking
A very happy NEMTB President