2015 Mountain Bike Orienteering - 4 pm Wednesday 30 December
Post date: Oct 29, 2015 8:42:39 AM
This is an event for everyone and can team up if you want it to be more social. Entry will be $10 senior, $5 junior (under 21) and is being conducted under Orienteering NSW.
Wednesday 30 December 16:00 – 16:30
Map: Armidale Pine Forest 1:7500
Directions: From the centre of Armidale proceed north on Marsh Street straight through the traffic lights for a further 6.5 km. Turn right into Pine Forest Road and follow the signs.
Organiser: Maurice Anker manker@tpg.com.au or 02 6772 9604)
Format: scatter course – collect either 10 or 20 controls as quickly as possible