NEMTB Christmas party

Post date: Dec 5, 2012 11:03:16 AM

It's NEMTB Christmas party time!! Sunday 9th December - 2pm at Dumaresq Dam for a ride and/or 4.30pm bbq start time (there's bbq's at Dumaresq Dam). BYO everything for dinner and drinks. Bring your families - everyone's welcome!

Oh yeah, if you don't have mtba membership and would like to come along on the ride, you'll just have to purchase a $5 participation licence.

Some more great news about this weekend's Christmas ride and bbq is that Velo Gear are sending out four Kali Chakra Plus bike helmets as give-aways at our Christmas Party!!! How good is that?!! These will be up for grabs in a lucky door prize, so every club member attending gets a chance to take one home!! You've just got to be there to win! See you there.

To find out more about these great bike helmets delivered right to your door visit .