Post date: Apr 24, 2013 11:23:23 AM
The Summer series has come and gone for the New England Mountain Bikers and the Winter series is about to take off. This is a series of 7 races held on the fantastic trails at the Armidale State Forest, better known and “The Piney”, with one race at Fat Tyre Farm. Races will be held on Sunday afternoons starting at 2 pm.
The first race is on Sunday 28 April. Then winter series of races are on 28 April, May 26, 16 June, 21 July, 15 September, 13 October and 10 November. The race on 16 June will be held at Fat Tyre Farm which is half way between Armidale and Guyra.
Scattered around these dates is a multitude of races at nearby clubs for those riders who would like to try different tracks. Many of these are part of the GNaTPACK (Mid North Coast) series where one round is held at Grafton, Nambucca, Taree, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour and Kempsey before the final round is held here in Armidale in August. This Armidale GNaTPACK race is on August 25 and will see huge numbers of visitors and locals racing on the Pine Forest track. Full details are available on the NEMTB website calendar www.nemtb.com.au.
There will also be a range of organised social rides during the winter for riders of all abilities. Keep an eye on the webpage for details to come about these events.
As previously stated the local winter series starts on Sunday 28 April. The start line is through the 2nd gate on the right as you go down Pine Forest Rd. Drive out Rockvale Rd until you get to Pine Forest Rd. Turn right then find the gate. The start line is under the powerlines at the bottom of the hill. For a map click here.
The main race grade (Men and women) is 3 laps of the full 11 km course. Under 19 is also 3 laps. The main track is very interesting with a variety of trail types. Rock gardens, wooden structures, skinnys, rocky rollovers, tight single track, switchbacks, uphill, downhill and fast flowy sections. This year we also have a shortened track, which avoids the more technical sections. This is called the green track and is about 5 km. We will use this easier track for the kids race too.
Registration is on at 1.15 pm and needs to be completed by 1.45 pm. Riders need a MTBA licence to compete, otherwise a day licence can be bought on the day for $15. Members need to pay a race fee of $5, or they can pay $25 for all races on the series (7 races). Juniors (U19) need to be a member ($2 fee each race or $10 for the series) or pay for a $15 day licence.
Riders of all abilities are invited to race, especially those new to the sport.