Saturday's all day working bee - 12st June 2014
Post date: Jun 23, 2014 11:19:43 AM
Success today in two main ways. First, Zig returned with his Dingo and finished clearing the organic matter off the surface of the proposed track. We thought that he had done much better than could be expected in such rocky ground and then he offered to have a go at making some berms and a tabletop jump. Wow! All I can say is that he is a magician with that machine! It was marvelous what he was able to achieve, including compacted, curved surfaces with angles that are near perfect and large sections of trail where the dirt and rocks are now loose enough for hand tools to shape easily.
Zig was always going to be a hard act to follow but the hand-tool crew rose to the challenge. Many metres of benched track, roll-overs, jumps, drop-offs, rocky pavements and sections with multiple routes materialized in next to no time. It is hard not to get excited about riding this trail. A big thank you to David Brunckhorst, John (Zig) Hiscox, Paul Whitford, Paul Billings, Steve Chapman, David Harris, Terry Paris and Peter Hosking. Yes, there is still a lot to do, so stay tuned for details of the next working bee. Overall, though, we made great progress today!
Bill Platts