Tame the Red Lion Social Ride
Sunday 30 September 2018

posted 20 Sept 2018, 12:17 by NEMTB Secretary [ updated 20 Sept 2018, 12:34 ]

Details are as follows:

Meet at Visitor Information Centre at 7.15am for a 7.30am departure.

The route:

Along the Armidale Cycle Way out towards UNE and on to Booralong Road. We follow Booralong Road and then turn on to the gravel at Toms Gully Road and follow this all the way to Black Mountain. At Black Mountain, back on the tar, we will turn left into Black Mountain Road towards Guyra. Morning Tea will be at Guyra at the playground/picnic shelter (after approx. 47km). From there we will ride along Llangothlin Road for approx.10km and after a short stint on the New England Hwy we will turn off to the left onto Ben Lomond Road and follow this for approx. 13km. After riding through the Ben Lomond Village we will veer slightly right and follow the Old Ben Lomond Road (approx. 10km on gravel), down the beautiful valley and back out to the New England Hwy. After a quick turn left and another 2km we will arrive at the Red Lion Tavern in Glencoe for lunch. You are more than welcome to buddy up with a friend/family member and ride sections of the track and drive the rest in your car as long as you inform us.


The Red Lion Tavern, 8025 New England Highway, Glencoe approx 1pm

Other Info:

Non-riding family members and friends are more than welcome to meet us at the Red Lion Tavern for lunch.

It is your responsibility to organise your own car or carpooling back to Armidale.

There will be a support car at the morning tea stop and along the way and you can put any extra drink bottles, spare clothing etc in the car if you wish.

Water and snacks will be available at the morning tea stop. The whole ride is approx. 85km with 740m of climbing, so we encourage you to take some form of electrolyte with you.

If you would like to join us on this social outing, we ask that you please register yourself and your supporting/lunching crew online as this will help with catering and planning purposes.