Charleston Willows Busy Bee Saturday 8am 13 Oct 2012
Post date: Oct 8, 2012 10:22:07 PM
Meet at 8 am at the carpark opposite the first entrance into the Armidale Pine Forest after the Tilbuster Ponds bridge. This is 4.9 km north out along Rockvale Rd from the Erskin Rd interestion.
Morning tea will be provided but please bring drinking water.
McLeod tools, shovels, mattocks, whipper snippers, secateurs, pruning saws, gloves, sunscreen, first aid kits, snake bite kits and Blower.
Job list for Charleston Willows;
The Rock
· Whipper snip tracks.
· Finish two A lines (clear loose rocks and blackberry canes)
· Finish rock rollover at start of A lines.
· Chainsaw dead tree across second A line.
· Whipper snip track through thick grass on flat area at end of A and B lines.
Loop of track through Charleston Willows
· Whipper snip and make smooth.
· Make B lines in erosion gully area.
Concrete weir
· Make access tracks on both sides (dig out bank on east side). link track to existing one.
Poplar trees
· Make cattle track into bike track.