Come and try 2018 UNE 12 Hours In The Piney course and BBQ
Sunday 3pm 7th October

posted 5 Oct 2018, 18:24 by Peter and Barbs [ updated 10 Oct 2018, 10:12 by NEMTB Secretary ]

OK – you have heard that the UNE 12 Hours In The Piney is just for the pros! Well it’s not …. It’s about having a hoot with your friends and maybe someone giving you a free Welders Dog Wheat Ale or Pea Blossom Lemonade when you finish racing! This year, a course has been chosen that will allow more people to ride while still allowing the fast gals and guys to show what they are made off. Still not sure? Why not come down to The Piney for a practice lap at 3pm this Sunday where you will have a free guided tour, a free chin wag and a free sanger. You heard it right - for nada! No need to register just rock up at the car park past the Tilbuster Ponds Traffic bridge.

More details on how to get The Piney